Postgresql error log location – quick-start 2024-25

PostgreSQL Error Log Overview

The PostgreSQL error log is a file where the database system records messages related to errors, warnings, and other significant events. Locating this log is essential for database administrators to troubleshoot and address issues promptly.

Postgresql error log location

Purpose of the PostgreSQL Error Log

The PostgreSQL error log serves as a record of events within the database system. It captures critical information about errors, warnings, and other events, aiding administrators in diagnosing and resolving issues.

Types of Logs in PostgreSQL Error Log

Error Messages

PostgreSQL records detailed error messages in its log. These messages provide information about issues such as syntax errors in SQL queries, database connection problems, or integrity constraints violations.

Warning Messages

Warning messages signify potential issues that may not prevent the execution of a query but could impact its behavior. These messages offer insights into conditions that might need attention, helping administrators proactively address concerns.

Informational Messages

PostgreSQL includes informational messages in the error log to provide additional context about system behavior. These messages may not indicate errors but can be valuable for understanding the state of the database.

Debug Messages

Debug messages offer detailed insights into the internal workings of PostgreSQL. These messages are typically used during development or troubleshooting sessions to diagnose complex issues. In a production environment, debug messages may be disabled to avoid unnecessary log volume.

Common Technical Terms

Error Messages

Messages that indicate issues or problems within the database system.

Warning Messages

Alerts about potential issues that may impact the behavior of queries or database operations.

Informational Messages

Messages providing additional context about the state of the database, not necessarily indicating errors.

Debug Messages

Highly detailed messages useful for developers and administrators during debugging or troubleshooting.

Interpreting Log Entries for Beginners


Indicates when an event occurred, helping administrators trace the timeline of issues.

Severity Level (e.g., ERROR, WARNING)

Specifies the severity of the event, allowing administrators to prioritize and address critical issues first.


Describes the event or issue in detail, providing information to understand and resolve the problem.

How to Interpret Log Entries

Error Example:

2023-01-01 12:34:56 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "SELECT"

This error message indicates a syntax error in a SQL query.

Warning Example:

2023-01-01 12:45:00 WARNING:  NULL value in column "username" violates not-null constraint

This warning highlights a potential integrity constraint violation.

PostgreSQL Error Log location

The PostgreSQL error log location depends on the operating system. Here are the common locations for different systems:

  • Windows:

The default location PostgreSQL error log location on Windows is within the PostgreSQL data directory. For example, C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\data\pg_log\.

  • Linux:

On Linux, the PostgreSQL error log location is typically found in the PostgreSQL data directory under the pg_log subdirectory. The default location is /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/pg_log/.

  • macOS:

For macOS, the Postgresql error log location is within the PostgreSQL data directory. You can find it in /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_log/.

Steps to Locate the Error Log


On Windows, the PostgreSQL error log is typically found within the PostgreSQL data directory. Follow these steps to locate it:

Navigate to the PostgreSQL Installation Directory

The PostgreSQL installation directory is the main folder where PostgreSQL is installed on your Windows system. Commonly, it is located in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\.

  • Explanation: The installation directory is where all the files related to PostgreSQL, including binaries and configuration files, are stored.

Access the Data Directory

Inside the PostgreSQL installation directory, locate the data directory. The path would look something like C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\data\.

Find the Error Log

Within the data directory, look for the pg_log subdirectory. This is where the PostgreSQL error log is stored.

  • Explanation: The pg_log directory is specifically dedicated to holding log files, making it easy to locate error logs.

Technical Terms Explained

  • Error Log: A file that records information about errors, warnings, and other significant events in a system.
  • PostgreSQL Installation Directory: The main folder where PostgreSQL is installed on a Windows system, typically in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\.
  • Data Directory: The location where PostgreSQL stores its databases, tables, and related files.
  • Subdirectory: A directory within another directory. In this case, pg_log is a subdirectory within the data directory.

Navigating to the Error Log

  • Step 1: Open File Explorer and go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\.
  • Step 2: Enter the data directory.
  • Step 3: Locate and open the pg_log subdirectory.


On Linux systems, the PostgreSQL error log is typically located within the PostgreSQL data directory. Let’s break down the steps to find it:

Access the PostgreSQL Data Directory

The PostgreSQL data directory is where the system stores its databases and related files. On Linux, this directory is commonly located at /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/.

Explanation: The data directory is crucial as it houses the databases and configuration files necessary for PostgreSQL.

Navigate to the Error Log

Within the data directory, look for the pg_log subdirectory. The Postgresql error log location / path would resemble /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/pg_log/.

Explanation: The pg_log subdirectory is dedicated to PostgreSQL log files, making it easy to locate the error log.

Technical Terms Explained

  • Error Log: A file that records information about errors, warnings, and other significant events in a system.
  • PostgreSQL Data Directory: The location where PostgreSQL stores its databases, tables, and related files. On Linux, this is typically at /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/.
  • Subdirectory: A directory within another directory. In this case, pg_log is a subdirectory within the PostgreSQL data directory.

Navigating to the Error Log

  • Step 1: Open a terminal on your Linux system.
  • Step 2: Use the cd command to navigate to the PostgreSQL data directory. For example: cd /var/lib/pgsql/<version>/data/.
  • Step 3: Once in the data directory, find and enter the pg_log subdirectory.


On macOS, the PostgreSQL error log is typically found within the PostgreSQL data directory. Let’s go through the steps to locate it:

Locate the PostgreSQL Data Directory

The PostgreSQL data directory is where the system stores databases and related files. On macOS, this directory is usually located at /usr/local/pgsql/data/.

Explanation: The data directory is vital as it contains the databases and configuration files necessary for PostgreSQL.

Navigate to the Error Log

Within the data directory, find the pg_log subdirectory. The Postgresql error log location / path would resemble /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_log/.

Explanation: The pg_log subdirectory is dedicated to PostgreSQL log files, making it easy to locate the error log.

Technical Terms Explained

  • Error Log: A file that records information about errors, warnings, and other significant events in a system.
  • PostgreSQL Data Directory: The location where PostgreSQL stores its databases, tables, and related files. On macOS, this is typically at /usr/local/pgsql/data/.
  • Subdirectory: A directory within another directory. In this case, pg_log is a subdirectory within the PostgreSQL data directory.

Navigating to the Error Log

  • Step 1: Open the terminal on your macOS system.
  • Step 2: Use the cd command to navigate to the PostgreSQL data directory. For example: cd /usr/local/pgsql/data/.
  • Step 3: Once in the data directory, locate and enter the pg_log subdirectory.

So we tried to explain Postgresql error log location with all possible scenarios. Hopefully, you will be able to locate the logs easily now.

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