How to install postgresql as a windows service – easy fix – 2024

Installing PostgreSQL as a Windows Service – Solution to your question – How to install postgresql as a windows service

If you want to install postgresql as a windows service and thinking How to install postgresql as a windows service, then you are at right place. PostgreSQL, a powerful and open-source relational database management system, is commonly used for managing data in various applications. To streamline its usage on Windows, installing PostgreSQL as a Windows service is a convenient approach. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of installing PostgreSQL and configuring it as a windows service.

How to install postgresql as a windows service

Download and Install PostgreSQL

Download PostgreSQL

  • Visit the official PostgreSQL download page: PostgreSQL Download.
  • Choose the version suitable for your Windows environment (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • Download the installer.

Run the Installer

Double-click on the downloaded installer to launch the PostgreSQL Setup Wizard.

Select Components

Choose the components to install. For a standard PostgreSQL installation, select the “PostgreSQL Database Server” component.

Set Installation Directory

Define the data directory where PostgreSQL will store its databases. The default is typically C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\data.

Set Password

Set the password for the default superuser account (usually “postgres”). Remember this password as you will need it later.

Choose Port

Set the port number for PostgreSQL to listen on. The default is 5432.

Complete the Installation

Proceed with the installation process by clicking “Next” and then “Finish” once the installation is complete.

We have half way answered your question: How to install postgresql as a windows service. Lets continue with rest of the journey.

Configure PostgreSQL as a Windows Service

Now that PostgreSQL is installed, configuring it as a Windows service ensures that it runs automatically in the background.

Open the Services Manager

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type services.msc and press Enter.

Locate PostgreSQL Service

In the Services Manager, find the PostgreSQL service entry. The service name typically follows the pattern postgresql-x64-<version>.

Configure PostgreSQL Service

Right-click on the PostgreSQL service and select “Properties.”

Set Startup Type

In the “General” tab, set the “Startup type” to “Automatic.” This ensures that PostgreSQL starts automatically with Windows.

Start the Service

Click the “Start” button to manually start the service immediately.

Verify Installation

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5432/. If the installation was successful, you should see the PostgreSQL welcome page, confirming that the server is running.

Now you have successfully installed PostgreSQL as a Windows service. You can use tools like pgAdmin or connect to the PostgreSQL server using your preferred client to start working with databases on your Windows machine. Till now we have tried to answer your question: How to install postgresql as a windows service? But how can we verify the installation, let’s see.

How to verify postgresql client for windows is downloaded and installed successfully

Verify PostgreSQL Client Installation on Windows

Check Installation Directory

Open File Explorer and navigate to the directory where PostgreSQL is installed. By default, it is usually in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\{version}\bin or a similar path.

Confirm presence of psql executable

Look for the psql.exe executable in the bin directory. This executable is the PostgreSQL command-line client.

Open Command Prompt

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type cmd and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

Navigate to PostgreSQL bin Directory

Change the directory to the PostgreSQL bin directory using the cd command. For example:

cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\{version}\bin

Run psql Command:

Run the following command to start the PostgreSQL command-line client (“psql”):#

psql –version

If the client is installed successfully, this command will display information about the PostgreSQL version.

Verify pg_dump and pg_restore

Similarly, you can check the versions of other utilities like “pg_dump” and “pg_restore” using the following commands:


pg_dump --version
pg_restore –version

Verify Connection to PostgreSQL Server

Start the PostgreSQL Server

Ensure that the PostgreSQL server is running. You can check this in the Services Manager or start it manually if needed.

Connect to PostgreSQL Server

In the Command Prompt, run the following command to connect to the PostgreSQL server:

psql -h localhost -U postgres

Replace localhost with the appropriate host if your PostgreSQL server is on a different machine.

Enter Password

You will be prompted to enter the password for the PostgreSQL superuser (usually “postgres”).

Verify Connection

If the connection is successful, you will be in the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. You can run SQL commands and queries.

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